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Preschool Program Descriptions:

All Cornerstone Campus preschool programs emphasize classroom routines & socialization, language & literacy development, math concepts, science exploration and both fine and gross motor skills. 


Classrooms: Cornerstone is organized into 4 classrooms:


  • Preschool 1: this class if for our youngest preschoolers, ages 2.9 - 3.9, who are in their first year of Cornerstone

  • Preschool 2 & 3: this is a mixed age classroom of children 3.9-  4.6 who are in their second year of preschool.

  • Preschool 4: this class is for our oldest preschoolers, most of whom have completed two years of preschool and are close to 5 years of age. 

Classroom composition and age ranges will vary from year to year to reflect variations in our student population.

Classroom Routines & Socialization:
Learning to function successfully in a classroom is key to school success. The teachers' first priority is to help the children learn to trust their new environment and develop positive relationships in the classroom.


Our classrooms encourage children’s self-confidence as they learn to do for themselves that which they can and take responsibility for their classroom and its contents.


By maintaining consistent classroom routines and expectations, teachers reinforce skills such as collaboration, following directions, transitioning from one activity to another, sharing, taking turns and developing friendships.


Teachers model respect and kindness in the classroom through their interaction with the children and each other.


Positive discipline and consistent reinforcement allows children to develop self-confidence and  problem solving.

Kindergarten readiness:

Our curriculum is aligned with the Massachusetts Common Core State Standards (the Massachusetts
Curriculum Frameworks for Pre-Kindergarten to Twelve).

Additionally, in the 30 years that Cornerstone Campus School has operated its preschool, it has consistently receives positive feedback from parents and Quincy school staff regarding the school readiness of Cornerstone graduates.


Curriculum Highlights:


Literacy Skills: including understanding the relationship between oral language and print;
understanding the basis of our alphabetic system; building strong phonemic awareness and
vocabulary, developing enthusiasm for books and storytelling and engaging in purposeful writing.


Math: Develop foundational skills in math including counting with one-to-one correspondence,
understanding cardinality, subitizing, estimating, categorizing, measuring, and using math daily for
practical purposes.


Science: Life & earth sciences with an emphasis on local flora & fauna, seasonal changes, weather,
the cyclical nature of growth and reproduction (plants, insects, frogs, salamanders, etc).
Scientific Inquiry such as making hypotheses, testing theories, collecting data, verifying and
documenting results.


Technology & engineering: skills through the planning and building of structures and obstacles
courses with blocks, ramps, planks, sticks, balls and other elements and engaging in guided
reflections on cause and effect and the principals of mechanical physics.


Social Studies: Understanding concepts of identity, community, and our inter-connectedness;
exploring traditions, cultures and fellowship within and among our families and how we care for one
another through acts of compassion and service
Foundational Skills including large and fine motor skills, self-regulation, learning to follow directions,
and learning how to think through problems. Develop the ability for children to advocate not only
for their own needs and interests but also those of their peers.


Gross & fine motor skills:

Physical activity helps children grow more aware of their strength, coordination and abilities.


For this reason, we have 30 minutes of gym or recess  every day at Cornerstone. Teachers also use gym time to organize yoga sessions, music and movement and group games. 


Fine motor skills are reinforced in a variety of ways as children become experienced with scissors, glue, writing utensils, art materials, beading and sewing.  




© 2023 by Cornerstone Campus Preschool

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